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Tuesday 3 April 2012

cupcakes :)

actually since aku sekolah dekat ERT lagi aku di ajar menggunakan computer .memang tak dinafikan kiteorang memang belajar website , micromedia and what so ever . HAHAH setiap kali aku buat kerja kursus mesti ada berkaitan dengan cupcake . actually i dont know why . but i love it . my favourite okay . all my website and micromedia is about cupcakes . and sampai masa aku duduk rumah tak tahu nak buat ape . aku terfikir nak buat cake chocolate :D yummy sedaaaap gila . i dont know why  i choooseee you cupcake . why i cant choose ice cream or cookies . is it the same ? huhhh . tired thinking of you cupcakes . so at the first of my chocolate cake was very nice and tasty . can you believe it. HAHAHA tak sempat nak bagi you rasa bie my chocolate cake . sorry . one day i will give you taste it my cupcake . even my bestieee at ERT tak rasa lagi cake tu so sad  :(  

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